We are thrilled to invite you to our favorite live event of the season–#MSWL day!
This is a day where agents and editors post the books they’ve been longing for–the ideas that won’t leave them, the works they’d love in their lists.
Here’s how it will work on September 24 (officially 9-5 NYC time):
Agents and editors: Post what you’re looking for and tag it with #MSWL. For example: “I’d love a book that’s The Bridges of Madison County meets JAWS #MSWL”
Writers: Heart your favorites! This will make you a handy list of the tweets relevant to your work (and also make that agent or editor feel good!). Please do not post your work on the feed, as this is not a pitch contest, or a contest at all, but a literary lovefest where we get together to talk about the kinds of books we love, and would love.
As always, please do your research, make sure the agent is a good fit for you overall (check for their ManuscriptWishList.com profile! That will be at ManuscriptWishList.com/mswl-post/first-last (first name, last name) if it’s live. And, as always, follow submission guidelines!
We’ll also have MSWL-only goodies for you! There will be prizes, surprises, and a list for a free, live workshop the following week. Search #MSWL on Twitter to follow along!
Check out our search guide here: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/2019/08/getting-started-with-mswl-and-manuscriptwishlist-com/
Check out our getting started guide here: https://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/2019/08/getting-started-with-mswl-and-manuscriptwishlist-com/
Join our mailing list for updates, tips and tricks (I promise we’re too busy to spam you!) here: http://eepurl.com/b83sCL
And, as always, if you have any questions, @KKHendin and @JSinsheim (on Twitter) will be standing by. Assuming we’re not in Twitter jail for tweeting too much. (#OccupationalHazard)
Hope to see you there! <3
