If you’re writing YA, adult fiction, or even memoir, odds are there’s a romantic element. Carly Silver is a longtime supporter of MSWL (you’ve seen her at our live happy hours, on our podcast, and more), and we’re thrilled to have her join us for this very special event.
Carly will respond to your pages LIVE (submit a page from your first chapter, meet-cute, or love scene early for your best odds!), offer insightful feedback in the moment, and answer your questions (she’s a history buff and even speaks about history–for fun!).
While Carly specializes in Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Historical Fiction, this event is open to all genres.
Can’t make it live? Submit your work and watch the replay.
Carly Silver is an associate editor at Harlequin Books, where she has worked since 2013. She acquires primarily romantic suspense and contemporary romance. Find her on Twitter at @carlyasilver