We’re so happy you’re here! It’s going to be a great month, with plenty to stream (check out our recent agent events on the podcast!), attend (a live feedback panel with HarperCollins editor Stephanie Stein plus a live class, Your Path To Publication, with Shirin Yim Leos and Lisa Manterfield) and polish (if you’ve been wanting to swap form rejections for actual feedback, book a time to meet one of our agents!).

We’re happy to introduce our newest members of the #MSWL faculty, Anjanette Barr at Dunham Literary and Taj McCoy at Rees Literary. They’re both absolutely delightful, and we can’t wait for you to meet them.
We have a new hybrid meeting type–query, written notes ✨and✨ a live 15-minute meeting. If everything is ready to go but your query, this is the service for you. (Not sure what would be most helpful? Try this quiz! Or just browse agents and editors here.)
As always, we’re here to help. Hope you’re feeling well, warm, creative–and enjoying the first signs of spring.
All best,
Jessica, KK, Julie, Caitlin & The Rest of the #MSWL and MSWLMA Team
PS: Check your email next week for a digest of recent #MSWL tweets, posts, and more in your genre.