Christine Neulieb
Lanternfish Press
My Manuscript Wish List®
Acquiring literature of the rare and strange: fiction that challenges the boundary between literary and speculative; offbeat but well-researched historical fiction; and memoir that explores the intricacies of being at home vs. being a stranger.
I love atmospheric writing. Give me your moody fogs and putrid smogs, your sunlight on dew-kissed gossamer and evenings spent smoking cigarettes on the drain pipe by the pond.
Novellas are neat.
Fun facts about me:
My dog’s name is Mormont (after Lyanna, not Jorah), because as a puppy he looked like a tiny bear and had lots of sass. He still has lots of sass.
My favorite color is chartreuse. It’s been inching slowly from green toward yellow over the years.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to
Lanternfish Press opens for unsolicited submissions once a year via Submittable. We are currently CLOSED to unsolicited submissions.
Agents are welcome to query. Right now I’m particularly seeking fiction with speculative or gothic elements, as well as memoir that focuses on migration, mental health, reconnecting to family roots, or the contemporary indigenous experience.
There are many forms of the gothic, and I love to see the rarer ones. Midwestern gothic. Tropical gothic. Rust Belt gothic. If it’s atmospheric fiction laced with artful elements of horror or decay, I’m interested.

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