Finding Your Perfect Agent Fit with Agent Ismita Hussain and Author Jessica Guerrieri

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Please note: This episode contains mentions of alcoholism, recovery, and sobriety. We are so happy to welcome author Jessica Guerrieri and agent Ismita Hussain (Great Dog Literary) to the podcast. They’re a great example of what to look for in an author-agent relationship–they’re creative, collaborative, supportive, and successful … Read more

Tuesday, May 7, 8:30pm ET: Free Query Workshop With Agent Emmy Nordstrom Higdon

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are so grateful to Emmy Nordstrom Higdon, agent at Westwood Creative Associates, who has offered to teach a free workshop for you all about the elements of querying—interest, emphasis, tension—that keep a busy agent reading in 2024. Get your free ticket (or replay ticket!) here: The event … Read more

Writing Fantasy That Mirrors Our World With (Manuscript) Academy Award Winner Ali McLafferty

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are thrilled to introduce Ali McLafferty, author, teacher, and most recent winner of the as-yet-untitled (Manuscript) Academy Awards. Ali was nominated by agent Melissa Edwards (Stonesong Literary) for this gorgeous fantasy novel that brings up a lot of issues in our world as well. We discuss how … Read more

Details, Focus and Visual Storytelling To Bring Any Genre To Life with Editor Melissa Warten Vogan

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We love this creativity-packed episode with Melissa Vogan (née Melissa Warten), former editor at Macmillan, current editor at Epic For Kids. We discuss:*“Just enough” art notes – and how they’re useful for every genre*How you can guide the focus of your reader through sensory language*How to get to … Read more

Good, Better, Best, Agented! Julia Alexandra and Agent Ellen Goff on Plot, Character & World

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. You may remember Julia Alexandra from our episode in the fall when we went over three query versions with her (good, better, best): Well, she now has an agent! Ellen Goff (HG Literary) joins us with Julia to discuss balancing plot, character, and world–if your fantasy novel will … Read more

Success Stories: Aime Alley Card, Agent Leticia Gomez And One Olympic Team That Changed Everything

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Tennessee, 1960. One extraordinary team of women–and the first all-Black women’s track team–found glory at the Olympic games in Rome. Here in America, their success was “an impossible dream come true.” Now, author Aime Alley Card tells us her personal connection to the team, how she did her … Read more

What Editors Look For: Fresh Takes On Familiar Stories with Harper Editor Sara Schonfeld

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Join our interactive Says/Does Activity + view transcript here:…sara-schonfeld We discuss editing with love and patience, acquiring in the age of book bans (let’s just say Florida doesn’t get to choose what the rest of the country reads), how to make your book feel “fresh”–and why so many … Read more