
#TenQueries Podcast With Agent Stephanie Winter

Join us for a look inside a literary agent’s inbox! Listen as she decides–in the moment, on the air–what to request, what to reject, and why. Stephanie Winter is an associate agent at P.S. Literary. She first joined the agency as an intern before becoming the agency’s relations assistant. Stephanie is a dedicated bookseller who … Read more

Join Our Holiday e-Party! December 16, 8:30pm EST

Join us for the e-party of the season! We’ve got a special guest, a happy hour with your new writing friends (and perhaps future critique partners), prizes, surprises, and MORE. This will work on any smart device. Bring your characters, a pen, and notepad (not required but encouraged) for a night of writerly exploration followed … Read more

Our Live-Recorded Workshop Is Now A Free Podcast

Ever wish you could carry around a writing class in your pocket? One with special agent and editor guests, a rad* theme, and way too much coffee? Now you can. Our Write-In Workshop from last week (you can still see the full replay here, if you’d like the video too: features all the ways thinking … Read more

Getting Started With #MSWL and

We’re so happy you’re here! #MSWL,, and our other resources exist to make agents more accessible, research more convenient, and the whole process more human. Here are some guides to get started: Main guide to searching for agents: We suggest you make a list of possible agents, then look at each agency website for their latest guidelines. For … Read more

How A Great Bio Can Help You Get An Agent

by Devin Ross, agent with New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc. As an agent, one of the best parts of my job is that I get to choose who I work with. Working with authors means I get to work with a whole slew of interesting people from different backgrounds, with different perspectives. One of … Read more

And the next #MSWL day is…September 24!

We are thrilled to invite you to our favorite live event of the season–#MSWL day! This is a day where agents and editors post the books they’ve been longing for–the ideas that won’t leave them, the works they’d love in their lists. Here’s how it will work on September 24 (officially 9-5 NYC time): Agents … Read more