📚Three-Day Workshop: Think Like An Editor | April 11-13, 2023

When you submit your novel for publication, it has to clear the hurdle of what the industry calls the developmental, or dev, edit. This close analysis identifies structural flaws in novels that need to be fixed, and often lead to rejection. But if you learn to think like a dev editor, you’ll be able to … Read more

📚Live Class: Your Path To Publication | March 23, 8:30pm ET

You’re finally ready to get your book out into the world—and you’re probably hoping for that “Big Five” traditional publishing deal. What can you do to improve your chances? Are there shortcuts? Landmines to avoid? And is “Big Five” really the option that will bring you the most personal satisfaction? Or are there particulars about … Read more

Live Queries & Pages Panel with Harper Editor Stephanie Stein | March 16, 8:30pm ET

We can’t wait! Thursday, March 16, at 8:30 pm Eastern, join us for a live queries and pages panel with editor Stephanie Stein at HarperCollins. Submit your work for a chance at live feedback from our panel–plus, of course, a publishing Q&A. This event is designed to be supportive, uplifting, encouraging–and 100% introvert-friendly. (Wear pajamas! … Read more

March 2023 Events: Live Panel with Harper Editor Stephanie Stein, Your Path To Publishing Class

We’re so happy you’re here! It’s going to be a great month, with plenty to stream (check out our recent agent events on the podcast!), attend (a live feedback panel with HarperCollins editor Stephanie Stein plus a live class, Your Path To Publication, with Shirin Yim Leos and Lisa Manterfield) and polish (if you’ve been … Read more

📚🎧#MSWL Live Agent Panel

Listen on Soundcloud, Spotify & Apple Podcasts. Curious about how we started? Listen to our 10th Anniversary Episode here. We had the best time with this panel! Many thanks to our amazing panelists, and to our Manuscript Academy members for the queries, questions, and kindness. Vote for YOUR genre (or age group) for the next … Read more