Fiction Genre: Folklore
Jo’s Manuscript Wishlist
For fiction, Jo is seeking books that subvert genre expectations or combine genres in innovative and twisty ways. They’re particularly searching for speculative fiction/light sci-fi (Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro, Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer), eco-fiction/cli-fi (The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler, A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers), interesting workplaces with an ensemble … Read more
Very short sports themed novellas for middle grade or teen readers from Canadian authors
I am seeking novellas of c. 8000 words or c. 16,000 words with simplified language for striving readers on sports themes. Extra points if they are also cross genre with fantasy, horror, science fiction or adventure etc. Advance paying contracts
Sheila Fernley
Fiction: Picture Books, Diverse Fractured Fairy Tales/Folktale Retellings, Middle Grade Nonfiction: Picture Books – Educational/Library Markets and Diverse Nonfiction Biographies Favorite sub-genres: Heartfelt, Humorous, Contemporary Adventures, Diversity, Cozy Mystery, Soft Fantasy, Urban Fantasy