Alex Slater
Sanford J. Greenburger Associates/GreenburgerKids
My Manuscript Wish List®
I’m looking for young adult and middle grade fiction, especially books that readers connect with immediately, thanks to either strength of voice or originality of story. I’m happy to review contemporary, thriller, low fantasy, humor, and dark fiction. Something in a Coen Brother’s kind of vein, with quick plotting, dark laughs, and colorful characters, are all extremely ideal to my taste.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to
Please send me a query letter that pitches your book as creatively and concisely as possible. Imagine the back cover or flap copy of your favorite book, and model your pitch off of that language. All queries should be addressed to AS*****@sj**.com. And thank you, as always, for thinking of me.
Vital Info