Allegra Martschenko

BookEnds Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

Allegra is looking for beautifully written adult, YA, and crossover speculative fiction (including science fiction and fantasy) by marginalized authors. Their most up to date wishlist will always live on their website, here:

While they hate to make you jump through more hoops—seriously, just check their website. If you’re writing a book with any sort of imagined element and you are a marginalized writer, they are open to you. Fantasy, science fiction, fabulism, horror, romance, book club, thrillers, mystery—anything with an imagined element falls into the bucket of “speculative” fiction, which they represent.


Submission Guidelines

Allegra is only open to marginalized writers. Please look at their website for more details (

All queries must be submitted through Query Manager [], email queries are typically deleted unread. Querymanager will ask for your query and first 5 pages.

Guidelines & Details