Ashley Lopez

Waxman Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

I’m a Louisiana native who is now firmly rooted in New York City. I want to work with writers who have a strong point of view and an eye for language.

Currently I’m looking for:

  • Horror! Any kind truly. I want my electric bill to be astronomical because of all the scary manuscripts I’m reading.
  • Literary fiction of any kind with a commercial hook (meaning descriptors like “lyrical” are not doing the heavy lifting in the pitch)
  • Realistic female friendship stories of all ages (and particularly queer friendship stories)
  • Family stories (particularly multiple POV family stories and mother/daughter narratives)
  • Reportage. Get me in the inside scoop!
  • Narratives exploring a piece of culture that’s been erased or muted especially from writers who are personally connected to that culture

Fun facts about me:

I love long distance running but have never run a marathon. I prefer soggy fries to crispy, sue me.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

For Fiction Queries: Please submit a query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of an email.

For Nonfiction Queries: Please submit your full proposal with a query letter and at least one sample chapter in the body of an email.

For all Queries: Please do not query both the general submissions email and my personal submission email. If I don’t respond in eight weeks, feel free to check in on your query by email.

Guidelines & Details