Christine Goss

FinePrint Literary Management

My Manuscript Wish List®

Updated 1/22/25:


I am going to try to be open the first week of every month for the foreseeable future. Please watch my threads for updates/changes. As I’m trying to be mindful of how long your queries are in my inbox. If it gets to be too much, I may need to change. 


** If you currently have a pending full with me, I plan to get back to you as soon as possible. All queries and submissions will be replied to. 


** Reminder that FinePrint is a one submission at a time. Even if you have not heard from me for a few weeks (eek months!), please wait until I reply to submit to a new agent. If you would rather submit to a different agent, please withdraw your submission from me. I understand my wait time is longer, and you need to do what’s best for you and your story. 

** My priority is to highlight and uplift marginalized voices. If you identify with a group being targeted by the current administration, I want to see your story to help it be heard.


I am looking for YA, Adult Fiction and NonFiction. What catches my attention in a query is a hook and exciting premise. What keeps me reading is high tension, curiosity, emotionality and interiority. Line level writing is something that I pay close attention to. Please be sure your book has been edited (beta readers, CP or professionally) prior to submitting. 


Generally my favorites tend to be books with engaging voice, tight pacing, and high stakes. I am interested in seeing more messy families and different types of loving relationships in my inbox (IE Best friends, family relationships, etc). I’m hungry for book club novels, upmarket fiction, and historical fiction. I’ll always be open to seeing romance and SFF, but I have found that I am the most picky with these. Thriller and horror are welcome, but I gravitate to those with a love plot being threaded within. If you have a horror-romance- great! 


In Non-Fiction, my taste varies, but specifically I’d love to see work by marginalized voices sharing their lived experiences. I’d also love to see science based information on food science, beauty, and agriculture. I’m open to cook books and memoir, but please include your social media following (including newsletter), and any other methods of being able to promote your work (IE speaking engagements).  


Lastly, I am VERY hungry for Graphic Novels- and here I’d love to see even Middle Grade. I’m open to artist/author duos, or author only as well. 


I am not the best fit for police procedurals, inspirational, erotica, or anything dealing with the drowning of a child on page. I respect when authors reach out to clarify this trigger, but if you’re questioning it, it’s likely not the best fit.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Please refer to my QM for submission guidelines.

Guidelines & Details