Gabrielle Harbowy

Corvisiero Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

Genres of Interest:

  • Science fiction with feels: hard sci-fi, space travel, literary sci-fi, and hopepunk (but not military, time travel, or climate sci-fi)
  • Immersive Fantasy: historical, urban, epic, and everything in between, with a preference for secondary worlds (but not a fit for portal stories)
  • Heists, especially with paranormal/supernatural elements
  • Genuine Magical Realism (as distinct from urban fantasy)
  • Queer/Sapphic Romance and alternative relationship structures like polyamory (preferably with speculative elements, but willing to consider contemporary as well)
  • Speculative fiction that falls between the genre cracks

In Adult and Young Adult/New Adult, Gabrielle enjoys:

  • Underrepresented own voices
  • Non-Western perspectives (like in the work of Tade Thompson or Fonda Lee)
  • Anti-colonialism themes (like in the work of Ciel Pierlot or CL Clark)
  • Disability representation and use of assistive devices (like in the work of Megan O’Keefe or Peadar Ó Guilín)
  • Neurodivergence
  • Characters with agency
  • LGBTQ+ and nonbinary characters
  • Sentient non-human (and non-animal) protagonists (like in the work of Aliette de Bodard or AK Larkwood)

In Middle Grade, Gabrielle hopes to find:

  • LGBTQ+ stories and alternative family structures
  • Self-discovery journeys and found family
  • A strong sense of childhood wonder, not the cynicism or relative omniscience of an adult
  • Stories where the pet doesn’t die

In Biography / Memoir, Gabrielle is extremely selective, but hopes to find stand-out narratively-written stories that are powerful and hopeful, centered around some combination of:

  • queer identity
  • disability
  • intersectionality

especially involving:

  • people in STEM
  • people in the video- and tabletop-gaming spaces

She is not looking to acquire: non-fiction, graphic novels, horror, mystery or historical without speculative elements, children’s books, or religious fiction.

Elements she is not a fit for include: dystopia, post-apocalyptic, global disaster, superheroes, child abuse, sexual assault, actual Christian-style angels and/or devils, animal brutality, science-fantasy, time travel, portal stories, cozy fantasy.

Some favorite books (by authors not already mentioned above) include:

  • The Wanderers by Meg Howrey
  • City of Dark Magic by Magnus Flyte
  • The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey
  • Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams
  • The Broken Earth series by N.K. Jemisin
  • Warped State by Jo Miles

Submission Guidelines

Corvisiero Literary Agency does not represent poetry, short story collections, or novella-length fiction at this time.

We share queries at Corvisiero so “a no from one is a no from all.” We do accept resubmission to another agent after six months and significant revisions. Please don’t submit to Gabrielle simultaneously with, or immediately after a decline from, another Corvisiero agent.

Please submit through the “guidelines and details” link below, in order to reach Gabrielle’s Query Manager page.

Guidelines & Details

Vital Info