Gordon Warnock
Fuse Literary
My Manuscript Wish List®
Gordon is a founding partner at Fuse Literary representing New York Times bestsellers and debut authors alike. He seeks to amplify historically marginalized voices and grow sustainable, long-term writing careers with an eye on actively creating change in the publishing industry and the culture as a whole. His years of experience as a senior agent, marketing director, editor for independent publishers, and author coach inform his approach as a comprehensive business partner through the many lives of a book and the many stages of an author’s career.
With a zest for fresh, new voices and a deep love of the classics, Gordon actively seeks out both the timely and the timeless. In that spirit, he establishes involved, long-term working relationships with talented and dedicated authors of many genres. For a better idea of what he represents, he often posts about his clients online.
Gordon seeks large-platform nonfiction in which the book itself is not the primary goal but instead is the result of a greater, sustained effort. He prefers to work with socially responsible books by those who act as social thermostats rather than thermometers, effecting change rather than reflecting it.
In fiction, Gordon is looking for fresh concepts that excite him before he starts reading and tension-filled prose that won’t let him stop. He loves being surprised by undeniably unique voices, plot twists, and the rare bending of an otherwise realistic story.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to querygordon@fuseliterary.com
Fiction: include your first chapter below your query.
Nonfiction: send query only.
Graphic Novel: attach PDF sample up to 25 mb.
Vital Info