Jennifer Udden

Laura Dail Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

I am not seeking children’s’ books at this time (no picture books, no MG, no YA.)

Fantasy: Character-driven fantasy with strong world building is a favorite, from the very literary to the very commercial. Past favorites include: NK Jemisin (THE INHERITANCE TRILOGY, BROKEN EARTH TRILOGY) Robert Jackson Bennett (CITY OF STAIRS, SHOREFALL); VE Schwab’s SHADES OF MAGIC, Freya Marske’s LAST BINDING trilogy, Mervyn Peake’s GORMENGHAST books, Katherine Addison’s THE GOBLIN EMPEROR, Ellen Kushner’s SWORDSPOINT (past client). Grounded contemporary fantasy like Maurice Broaddus’ BRETON COURT trilogy also welcome (past client.) 

Science Fiction: plot and character-driven science fiction with distinctive voices. Past favorites include Mur Lafferty’s SIX WAKES, EUROPA STATION (past client), Martha Wells’ MURDERBOT books, James S.A. Corey’s EXPANSE series; Everina Maxwell’s WINTER’S ORBIT, Cixin Liu’s THREE BODY PROBLEM, Catherynne Valente’s SPACE OPERA

Cross-genre books with a classic feel: Connie Willis’ Oxford Time Travel books are a great example (BLACKOUT/ALL CLEAR, TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG; C.S. Pacat’s CAPTIVE PRINCE books; Ben Aaronovitch’s PETER GRANT series; THE CABINET by Un-Su Kim 

Romance: I love romance of all categories! Some favorite authors include Jeffe Kennedy, Sabrina Bowen, Emily Henry, Beverly Jenkins, Mariana Zapata, Molly O’Keefe, Helen Huang, Ruby Dixon, Courtney Milan, KJ Charles. I’d love to find strong romantasy with vibrant and compelling worlds like Thea Guanzon’s HURRICANE WARS or Greta Kelly’s FROZEN CROWN (past client). I love sports romance, particularly hockey.

Mystery and Thriller: Anything with a classic British feeling like Dorothy L. Sayers’ PETER WIMSEY books, or Sarah Caudwell’s mysteries set in and around the Temple Bar (THUS WAS ADONIS MURDERED), especially if the tropes are subverted or there is a narrator we don’t normally see in that kind of book. Something like the recent Netflix LUPIN would also be fun to find in my inbox. 

Literary Fiction: I’m seeking literary fiction with cross-genre elements, such as Emily St. John Mandel’s SEA OF TRANQUILITY, Ling Ma’s SEVERANCE, Karen Thompson Walker’s THE DREAMERS, NIGHTBITCH by Rachel Yoder, PIRANESI by Susannah Clarke

Horror: Recent favorites include MANHUNT by Gretchen Felker-Martin, THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS STREET by Catriona Ward, the fabulous short stories in the anthology OUT HERE SCREAMING. Classic and more understated horror in the vein of Angela Carter and Shirley Jackson also welcome.

Submission Guidelines

Please only submit queries through Query Manager. Submissions must include: query letter, synopsis, and first ten pages of novel, pasted into the form.


Guidelines & Details