Joelle Delbourgo

Joelle Delbourgo Associates

My Manuscript Wish List®

Boutique literary agent representing a wide range of adult fiction and nonfiction. Fiction ranges from quality commercial to literary fiction, including mystery & suspense, women’s fiction, and selected sci fi & fantasy. Nonfiction: narrative nonfiction, especially history, biography, science, mind/body/spirit, health, psychology, business/career, parenting, environmental, economics. I look for paradigm-shifting nonfiction, beautifully written narrative nonfiction (including, very selectively, some memoir.) In fiction, I’m looking for fresh voices and perspectives, propulsive plots, atmospheric settings. I love historical fiction and accessible literary fiction. No magical realism, urban fantasy, screenplays, children’s books including YA, middle grade & picture books.



Fun facts about me:

Native French speaker, salsa dancer, all shades of blue speak to me, especially periwinkle. I make an excellent chocolate mousse.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Submission Guidelines

At Joëlle Delbourgo Associates, we only receive initial inquiries and proposals electronically. We do not accept editorial inquiries by telephone, and unsolicited telephone inquiries will not be returned.

Authors may send a query letter with first 10 pages by email to jo****@de*******.com). Include the word “QUERY” in the subject line.

We do not read unsolicited manuscripts or books, click on links, respond to queries that don’t meet our guidelines, or return proposals or manuscripts, even if we requested them.

Due to the sheer volume of queries that we receive, we only respond selectively if we are interested in seeing more material. If you have not received a response in 60 days you may consider that a pass. 

Here are some pointers that will help your letter to receive our attention:

  • Write a polished letter. Please read our guidelines for writing a query letter
  • Address your letter to a specific agent at our agency (see “About Us”).
  • Include the word QUERY in your subject line
  • Clearly identify the genre or category of your proposed book.
  • Provide a brief overview of the proposed book.
  • Tell us something about yourself, specifically about your qualifications to write your proposed book and detailing your platform.  We are also interested in why you decided to write the book.  Let us know if you are a previously published author, and if so, what you have published.
  • Is this query exclusive or are you querying other agents?
  • If your book has been self-published, please provide detailed publication data including sales.
  • Note if your manuscript has been submitted to editors or is currently under consideration at any publisher.
  • For nonfiction, let us know if a proposal and sample chapters are available.  If not, you should probably wait to send your query when you have a completed proposal.
  • For fiction and memoir, embed the FIRST 10 pages of manuscript into the e-mail after your query letter. Please no attachments. If we like your first pages, we may ask to see your synopsis and more manuscript. Both should be completed before you query us.
  • If we have requested a partial or full manuscript or a proposal, a gentle follow-up after 30 days is fine.

Some gently suggested don’ts:

  • Do not address your query:  “Dear Literary Agent” or send us what is a clearly a form letter.
  • Do not query more than one agent at our agency.
  • Do not send us a project in a genre that we do not handle (see below).
  • Do not cold call us, unless you were referred to us by a client or colleague in the industry.
  • Do not tell us that you are sending us our next bestseller.
  • Do not ask us to make an exception for you.
  • Do not send us gimmicks.
  • Don’t query your manuscript until it is in final, polished form
  • Do not ask us to return materials.  We will not mail back your proposal or manuscript even if you provide postage.
  • Please no queries via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or FB Messenger

You may submit the following to us:

Fiction: literary and commercial novels, women’s fiction, mystery, thriller; for sci-fi/fantasy (Jacqueline only)

Non-fiction: narrative nonfiction, biography, business, current events, health, history, memoir, parenting, popular reference, psychology, popular culture, science, mind/body/spirit, food (including cookbooks)

Do not send us: Westerns, poetry and/or screenplays. We are no longer accepting children’s, including picture books, middle grade and YA.  Please refrain from mailing us copies of self-published books unless requested.

Guidelines & Details