Kate Moody

The Rights Factory

My Manuscript Wish List®

Kate Moody is an Assistant Agent at The Rights Factory, representing authors in both adult fiction and non-fiction. She is seeking authors with strong platforms in non-fiction (her favourite), including true crime, narrative, journalism, memoir, sports, and current affairs. In fiction, she is particularly interested in thrillers, psychological thrillers, family sagas, and stories that are dark, twisty, and complex. Kate is also drawn to authors whose exceptional writing can stand above a platform, as well as those who skillfully bend genres and execute multi-POV narratives with precision.

Kate believes everyone has a story to tell and is always looking for fresh, compelling voices. If you think you’d be a good fit, she’d love to hear from you!

Fun facts about me:

Driven by her passion for books, literacy, and education, Kate founded the Moody Family Foundation in 2023, which provides charitable grants to support education and literacy programs in Ontario’s York Region.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to kate@therightsfactory.com


Please send your query to ka**@th**************.com with “Query: [your book’s title]” in the subject line.

Please include everything listed below in the body of the email:

  • Query letter
  • A brief bio, preferred pronouns and any social media handles
  • Fiction: Your first ten pages
  • Non-Fiction: Ten pages of writing and a detailed outline, alongside the information above

Due to the volume of submissions, Kate will be in touch within 3 months of receiving your work.