Kevan Lyon

Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

My Manuscript Wish List

I have worked in publishing for over 25 years, with the past 15 years as an agent. I have the best job in the world working with a most amazing group of talented authors. Nothing is more thrilling than helping an aspiring writer realize their dream of becoming a published author. I love the treasure hunt of the query pile, and would love to find new clients in the following areas —

  • Fresh takes on strong women in history doing amazing things – stories where I learn something new and am transported to another place and time. I’m especially interested in unique settings and time periods.
  • Contemporary or historical settings with sweeping love stories, or complicated family relationships that grab ahold of you and don’t let go.
  • Contemporary or historical stories with a dose of suspense or magical realism.
  • Unique, fun romantic comedies. Own voices and global settings a plus!
  • Diverse and own voices stories are always top of my list!



If you think your manuscript is a match, send me a query using the following form:


Query Kevan by Form

Fun facts about me:

Fun facts about me:

  • I am a dog mom 3x over and at risk of adding a 4th at any time! A sucker for rescue pups of all shapes and sizes.
  • Officially a peloton addict, who may spend most of my day in workout clothes unless a video call necessitates a more professional appearance!
  • I love to travel, and Italy is one of my top destinations to visit whenever possible.


Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Please submit to me via Query Manager –

Guidelines & Details