Laurie Dennison

Creative Media Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

After earning a master’s degree from the University of Florida, I began my career as an English teacher. I then spent over ten years working as a freelance writer and editor in desktop publishing, including serving as a Pitch Wars mentor for five years. In 2022 I attended the Denver Publishing Institute, leading to an internship at Creative Media Agency, Inc. before stepping into my current role as an associate agent and internship coordinator at CMA.

I love upmarket writing, complex characters, and immersive settings. I enjoy upbeat, positive stories but don’t shy away from darker themes. Complicated relationships and family dynamics are a particular interest of mine, and I appreciate character development that is directly and organically integrated with the plot. In nonfiction, I’m interested in authors who are specialists in their fields, have strong platforms, and can help me see the world in a new light.

We live in a diverse world, and I want to see diversity of all types authentically represented in all genres; I’d love to champion minority voices as I build my list.

Specific genres I’m seeking in 2025:

-Domestic and Psychological Suspense (Also open to light speculative here)

-Women’s Fiction

-Book Club


-Practical or Big Idea Nonfiction

-Women’s Issues Nonfiction

I’m not looking for picture books, middle grade, military or political thrillers, adult high fantasy or science fiction, horror, dystopian, or business books.

Submission Guidelines

Please use my Query Manager page to send your query:

  • For fiction, I ask for the query letter, the first ten pages of text, and comp titles.
  • If you are writing nonfiction, along with your query please include an extended author bio and the marketing section of your book proposal in the query section, along with ten sample pages and comparable titles.

Please only query one CMA agent at a time. However, you are welcome to submit to another agent if the first agent passes.

Guidelines & Details