Madeleine Milburn

Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

I’m a Literary Agent and  Director of Madeleine Milburn Ltd, my own agency which I formed at the beginning of 2012. At the moment, I represent a wide range of bestselling authors around the world writing literary and popular fiction including crime and thrillers, psychological suspense, literary, upmarket women’s fiction, comedy, romance, high-concept, children’s, Young Adult and crossover fiction.  I am building a voice driven list and all genres, literary and commercial appeal to me.


Fun facts about me:

A cat called Lola, the be all and end all

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

As a growing UK literary agency, we are looking for new writers and are accepting submissions.  We personally read everything that is submitted to the agency if the guidelines are followed below.  We represent authors based all over the world and also review successfully self-published and established authors.

We receive between forty and fifty submissions each day so it is extremely important that you follow our submission guidelines when submitting your work.  Do give us a nudge if another agency has got there before us and has requested your complete manuscript, as we really want the opportunity to consider your submission (we are always hard at work with existing clients!)

Why Choose Our Agency? Read what our authors are saying about the Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency.

We review all submissions by email.  Please send your work to: su*********@ma**************.com.  We no longer accept submissions by post – these will not be considered or returned.  Please follow the instructions below:

For All Submissions

  • Please put your name and the title of your manuscript in the subject line of the email, for example Abigail Bond THE FLIGHT
  • The manuscript and synopsis should be in Word format and  1.5 or double spaced.  Please check the spelling before sending.
  • Please DO NOT send an introductory email asking if we would like to see your work as we review everything that comes in.
  • Please do alert us if other agents have requested your complete manuscript or you have an offer of representation.

For Fiction Submissions

  • Please send a professional email introducing your work in the same way that you would write a formal covering letter.  Do include information about yourself that is relevant to the work you are submitting but make sure you pitch your work first.
  • Attach a one or two page synopsis and the first three chapters ONLY of the manuscript.  There should only be two attachments. Please do not send multiple emails.
  • Pitch your book in your email i.e. write a compelling blurb to get us interested in the story.  Read the back cover of books in the same area that you are writing in for ideas.  Do not pitch your work in the synopsis as this should ‘tell’ the story rather than ‘sell’ the story.

For Non-fiction Submissions

Non-fiction titles are often sold on proposal, so your book does not need to be complete at the time of submission to the agency.

  • When submitting a non-fiction project please write a covering letter introducing yourself and your project.
  • Please also attach a proposal as well as a 30 page writing sample. There should only be two attachments. Please do not send multiple emails.

The proposal should include the following information:

  • What your book is about.
  • Why it needs to be written.
  • Where it sits in the market, with reference to other similar or competing titles.
  • Why you are well-placed to write the book, with reference to your background and any credentials or professional expertise you may have.
  • A chapter outline, with a paragraph or two explaining what will be addressed in each chapter.

Due to the high volume of submissions, we are not able to offer individual feedback unless we are considering representation.  Film & TV scripts are handled for our established clients only.

Guidelines & Details

Vital Info