Marta S.

Siorai Entertainment

My Manuscript Wish List®

My Manuscript Wish List® Items

Hello creative soul,

Please note that I am prioritizing Canadian authors at this time, but I am open to considering international authors if you have a very unique story.

I am a literary agent at Siorai Entertainment and I utilize my contacts in the library system to identify hot selling books that will catch the wave of upcoming trends or be the ripple to start the wave. While we are a literary and film agency, I am not accepting screenplays or film projects. I am keen to build a diverse list and welcome stories from all forms of identity and heritage. The more unique and fresh the story is, the more I want it!


Do not send me:

  • Pro-abuse, assault, murder, and discrimination stories
  • Erotic/romance that promotes controlling, stalking, kidnapping, abuse, and/or choking
  • Nazi romance stories
  • Science fiction
  • Non-fiction
  • Stories closely copied from best sellers but changed to different character identities or nonhuman (eg Harry Potter series but all werewolves, or Redwall series but all human characters)
  • BIPOC stories only focused on war, colonization and racism. There is too much beauty being kept hidden that deserves to blossom on the page and be shared. Acknowledgment of these issues and history in character or location backstory/situation is accepted, just cannot be the focus.
  • War books
  • Christian stories
  • Books against prochoice and vaccines


I am eagerly seeking:

  • Indigenous stories especially picture books to YA to help educate and expose kids to non-colonized stories and history/modern day indigenous identities. Open internationally as long as you are an indigenous author from that background.
  • International stories about non-Caucasian backgrounds written by a person from that background.
  • BIPOC stories that focus on stories beyond war, colonization, and racism, to represent the root identity and refresh the attention towards the authentically raw people so their stories can be heard (especially characters that become role models for readers). Give power to the people at the core, not the trauma(s) inflicted in history and/or the present day.
  • Women uplifting other women!
  • Witches and lore of non-Caucasian backgrounds.
  • Any unique takes on the genres I am seeking.

Submission Guidelines

Please send submissions as follows:

Email subject formatted as: QUERY: Name – Book Title – Genre

In the body of the email, please send your pitch letter with your bio and contact information included.

Attachments must be only the synopsis that includes the ending (long version preferred) and the first 50 pages of the book or the whole book if picture book – middle grade, and any illustrations if applicable.



Guidelines & Details

Vital Info