Matthew Valdez
Megibow Literary Agency, LLC.
My Manuscript Wish List®
Kindness. Integrity. Patience. Profit. Enthusiasm.
Matthew’s love of literature began as a teenager when his mom handed him a copy of TWILIGHT after years of being a reluctant reader. Then, in college he took a Young Adult Literature class and was immediately hooked on reading YA. In fact, it was that professor who encouraged him to attend YALLFest- that conference is what launched Matthew into the world of publishing. With over a decade of volunteering at conferences and interning at literary agencies, Matthew brings a very behind-the-scenes perspective to his job as agent.
Matthew holds a Bachelor’s in Secondary Education from the Metropolitan State University of Denver, and is currently attending The University of Central Florida to obtain his Master’s in Educational Leadership. He lives in sunny Florida where he teaches High School English and hopes just a sliver of his passion for books rubs off on his students.
I am always looking to champion stories from writers of all marginalized backgrounds, especially voices from the LGBTQ+ community!
Fun facts about me:
I’ve been a loyal Lady Gaga fan since 2008, I’ve been playing both Genshin Impact AND Honkai: Star Rail since launch, My go-to genre of music is usually Japanese Rock / Pop!
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to
I am currently CLOSED to new queries as of November 11th, 2024. I will reopen January 27th, 2025. Any queries sent during this time will be deleted unread.
Queries should be sent to ma**********@me*************.com with the subject “QUERY – MANUSCRIPT TITLE”.
What I’m currently looking for: (Under Construction, Check back January 2025)
- Fantasy
- Psychological Thriller
- Horror
- RomCom (Particularly LGBTQ+, but all welcome!)
- Commercial / Upmarket Literary Fiction
- Graphic Novels (any genre)
Young Adult:
- Fantasy
- Contemporary
- Paranormal
- Thriller
- Dystopian
- RomCom (Particularly LGBTQ+, but all welcome!)
- Graphic Novels
Oddly Specific things I’m looking for:
Books with vibes similar to Uncharted / National Treasure (particularly for the YA market, but open to any). Using actual history in an alternate way is absolutely up my alley.
- Villain Origin Stories. Lifelong fan of villains here! Tell me what makes your character so evil!
Horror novels that feature dysfunctional families. Think Haunting of Hill House or DIAVOLA.
LGBTQ+ Romance that feature characters that are famous. IF THIS GETS OUT, KISS & TELL, DARK HEARTS, are all favorites! Would love to see some similar New Adult projects.
Graphic Novels: Looking for graphic novels of any genre for any age. I would love to see LGBTQ+ Romance, BIPOC stories, Horror/Hauntings, or Fantasy along with a striking and unique art style.
Retellings: Give me all the retellings! From myth, to folktales, to Shakespeare; I want them all! I am always looking for unique perspectives to much loved stories.
Historical novels: I am particularly interested in historical novels that center on a specific person’s history with alternating time lines. I’m looking for projects that make me forget these people are fictional. I absolutely loved THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT KITTY KARR, THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ASTRID BRICARD, and DAISY JONES AND THE SIX.
I am not the best person for:
- Superheroes
- Science-Fiction
- War / Military (I like wars with swords and bows and arrows and magic, not machine guns or snipers)
- Politics
- Urban Fantasy (I’m not particularly interested in magic in our real world at the current moment- this could change in the future!)
I am currently NOT accepting:
- Nonfiction
- Memoir
- Middle Grade
- Picture/Chapter
- Poetry
- Short Story
- Screenplays
- Material for the Inspirational / Religious Market
Vital Info