Nicole Frail

And You Press/Attic Ebooks

My Manuscript Wish List®

After twelve years at a traditional publisher, acquiring and editing more than 500 titles in the areas of both fiction and nonfiction for adults and children, while simultaneously taking on editorial freelance work for indie/self-published authors and other small business owners, I launched my own small press in 2024: Nicole Frail Books, LLC.

Having had a foot on either side of the traditional and indie divide for more than a decade, I blend the traditional publishing process with an indie mindset and approach to my books. I partner with other small business owners to produce products that we can all be proud of.

I am always willing to take a chance on a debut author, especially if they are willing to take a chance on me. This is a two-way street, and I am more than happy to grow alongside my authors and have been doing so for months now. And I think we’re having a pretty good time!

NFB has two main imprints at the moment: And You Press and Attic Ebooks.

And You Press

And You Press, or &You Press, was created to release the anthologies built from the short story contests that launched NFB in the fall of 2024. The name reflects the requirement that every book published under this imprint will have multiple collaborators so that every title released brings multiple voices to each project.

This may mean additional anthologies for the &You Anthology series (more are planned), novels with two or more authors, author and illustrator teams, collected works, or something else entirely. As long as the work has multiple creators who will credited equally for the work they’ve put into it or will put into it, it may be appropriate for this imprint.


Attic Ebooks

Attic Ebooks is a digital-first imprint and is open to works of all lengths, whether those are short stories, novellas, or full-length novels or nonfiction books.

(The possibility for print books exist for longer works and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.)


Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to;

You do not need an agent to submit to imprints of Nicole Frail Books.

And You Press

  • All submissions must have at least two contributors and be a minimum of 30,000 words.
  • Please send your (1) complete query letter, (2) first 10 pages of your manuscript as a Word doc, and (3) a full 1-2 page synopsis of your whole work as a Word doc. Your manuscript should be complete before sending your query. Please paste your query letter in the body of the email and attach your pages and synopsis.

  • Please send to su*********@an*********.com and allow for at least 90 days for review before following up/nudging.

Attic Ebooks

  • For fiction and nonfiction prose, please send your (1) complete query letter, (2) first 10 pages of your manuscript as a Word doc, and (3) a full 1-2 page synopsis of your whole work as a Word doc. Your manuscript should be complete before sending your query. Please paste your query letter in the body of the email and attach your pages and synopsis.

  • For project-based or practical nonfiction, please send your (1) complete query letter, (2) your proposal, complete with tentative table of contents as a Word doc, and (3) a sample chapter from the work as a Word doc. Your manuscript does not need to be complete before sending your query, but you need to have a good grasp of where it’s going. Please paste your query letter in the body of the email and attach your pages and proposal.

  • Please send to su*********@at**********.com and allow for at least 90 days for review before following up/nudging.

Guidelines & Details