Paige Terlip

Andrea Brown Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

Paige Terlip represents all categories of children’s books from picture books to young adult, as well as select adult fiction and nonfiction.

Across age categories, Paige is drawn to high concept novels with captivating hooks, snarky characters with hearts of gold, creative magic systems, complicated relationships, and found families. She loves well-plotted twists, being a little bit scared, and stories that explore the fluidity of gender and bring queer experiences to light. Regardless of genre, she is seeking inclusive, intersectional voices and gorgeous line-level writing with emotionally compelling narratives.

On the adult side she is open to thrillers/psychological suspense, fantasy, upmarket fiction, cozy mysteries, as well as platform-based nonfiction and self-help that centers the mind, body, and spirit. She loves stories that make her feel a range of emotions, even if that means she ugly cries while reading. She wants a narrative that will stick with her long after reading.

Please view my website for my most up to date wishlist items!

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Please submit your query to Query Manager:

Follow the directions on Query Manager to submit your query. If I am interested in reading more, I will request the full manuscript. Per ABLA policy please only submit to one ABLA agent at a time. For the full ABLA submission guidelines please visit:

Please be patient! I personally read each and every query, and will respond as soon as possible. I reply to every query. My typical turn around time is 10-12 weeks, but sometimes I can get behind. If you haven’t heard from me, it means I’m still considering!

Do NOT email queries. All email queries will be automatically deleted. I want to read your work! Please follow ABLA’s submission guidelines to ensure your query is reviewed.

Guidelines & Details

Vital Info