Victoria Marini

High Line Literary Collective

My Manuscript Wish List®

I represent an eclectic list of Adult and YA fiction, but one thing all my favorite reads have in common is unforgettable characters embarking on big journeys, whether fantastical or contemporary!  I enjoy novels from all genres and for all audiences, but tend to be the most persuaded by stories that lean into their respective elements of genre and trope, backed up by great storytelling & distinct voices.

I’m always on the hunt for upmarket speculative and hook-y contemporary fiction, and I am easily persuaded by character driven fiction that still possesses a twist and strong sense of pay-off for the reader ( for example, I really enjoyed Fleishman is in Trouble and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine).  I’m always happy to see fantasy across the spectrum (epic to cozy, real world to second world… anything from Spells for Forgetting to Fourth Wing), rom-coms, suspense, mysteries, crime and drama! I’m also a big fan of high concept novels that mash-up unexpected genres or features in fun or unique ways – think horror comedy or romantic thriller or housewife spy, for example.

I’ve been in the mood for Romantic + novels lately, and magic (whether a little lit or a lot)  is always in order, so I’m always happy to see anything speculative whether it’s a dash of fabulism to a full second world fantasy to a space opera!  I like unique retellings of classic myths & media and I’m a sucker for under-represented voices, places, and times and in particular looking for marginalized voices working with genres or tropes who aren’t represented in supposedly saturated genres, premises, and plots (think mysteries, mermaids, magicians, princesses, private eyes, thieves and theatre kids, etc.). Eternally on the hunt for Novels with secrets and consequences,  small-town hysteria, claustrophobic settings, or big second World macchinations.  My wish-list evolves often, and I tweet and write about it as much as I can.


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