Madelyn Burt

…character-driven reads, and stories whose characters have well-developed relationships. I’m also really keen on witty (and, occasionally, not-so-witty) banter; diversity; smart heists; optimism; libraries, museums, and cemeteries; new points of…

emmy nordstrom higdon

…or major themes surrounding law enforcement of any kind, including military – the only exception to this is if your book is explicitly abolitionist regarding the prison industrial system, particularly

Angela James

  Angela and Carina Press are currently acquiring mysteries and romance across sub-genres and heat levels. However, for publication in 2016 and 2017, Carina Press is particularly interested in: Paranormals…

Tara Gonzalez

…all a bit feral and all a bit in love, someone’s having a breakdown, and there is a supernatural horror in the background that they’re absolutely going to mess with”…

FREE Workshop With Agent Jessica Watterson

…affects them in their everyday lives on the page. With wit, humor, and a lot of laughter, this workshop will explore how these seemingly small details make meaning in the…

Deirdre Power

…the main driving point of the story. I’m also really excited to see mysteries or detective stories for all age groups, especially something a bit spoofy and not always really

Tara Gilbert

…have YA horror. I’m really into horror right now and would love to see more of it. Middle-Grade: only graphic novels at this time I’m only looking for author-illustrators in…

Saint Gibson

Hello! I’m currently seeking adult fiction and graphic novels in the genres of romance, fantasy, science fiction, and horror. I’m also seeking religious and/or spiritual nonfiction. Please note I do…

Irene Vázquez

Howdy! I’m an associate editor at Levine Querido. Our mission is to provide a platform for creators from communities that have been historically marginalized in mainstream publishing including (but not…